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Vision 2050

The Chieveley Recreational Centre is a great facility for the village but it is the ambition of the CRC committee to make it even better for our community and ensure that it will meet the future needs of all villagers and provide outstanding facilities for every user whether individuals or families. 


In 2024 we undertook a significant engagement exercise with the village and surrounding community through a questionnaire, a critical for our understanding of what we do for you and how we create a facility for you now, and for you and your children in the future. 


This provided over 360 responses with valuable opinions, ideas and comments fundamental to shaping our plan for your enjoyment of the facilities. We will of course be sharing the results of this consultation once the full analysis is completed and then provide on-going feedback on how we are implementing the findings and realising a facility that reflects your vision.


We would be very grateful for any donations of whatever size to this important facilities renewal project.  If you would like to discuss any aspect of Vision 2050 please contact Neal Courtney on 07831 677037 or

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